Cove Eco Resort - Private Island in Raja Ampat

FAQ - What about Raja Ampat ?

Pianemo landscape, Raja Ampat
Where is Raja Ampat ?

Raja Ampat is located off the northwest tip of Bird's Head Peninsula on the island of New Guinea, in Indonesia’s West Papua province. Raja Ampat or the Four Kings is an archipelago comprising of 1,500 small islands, cays, and shoals.

What is so special about Raja Ampat ?

Raja Ampat’s coral diversity, resilience, and role as a source of larval dispersal made Raja Ampat possibly the richest coral reef ecosystem in the world with a population of 1,508 fish species, 537 coral species, and 699 mollusk species. Furthermore, the tropical setting of Raja Ampat not only offers breathtaking views but also provides a perfect habitat for a diverse range of bird species with its lush forests, vibrant coral reefs, and crystal-clear waters, Raja Ampat has become a paradise for bird watching enthusiasts.

Raja Ampat's reputation as a top destination for tourism and diving is well-deserved. Its pristine waters are teeming with marine life, including vibrant coral reefs and a rich diversity of fish species. Divers and snorkelers can witness the breathtaking beauty of the underwater world, swimming alongside manta rays, turtles, and even whale sharks.

Moreover, the region's commitment to conservation and sustainable tourism practices has played a significant role in preserving its natural beauty and biodiversity. Raja Ampat is a designated marine protected area, ensuring the long term protection of its ecosystems and wildlife.

With its unparalleled natural beauty, abundant birdlife, and world-class diving opportunities, it is no wonder that Raja Ampat has earned its place among the top 10 best destinations for tourism and diving in the world. Whether you are a nature lover, bird enthusiast, or diving aficionado, Raja Ampat offers an unforgettable experience that will leave you in awe of its wonders.

What is interesting to do in Raja Ampat?

Raja Ampat is the world’s top destination located in Indonesia and is renowned as the ultimate destination for water activities and not only a heaven for the diver and snorkeller but also a destination that boasts breathtaking virgin landscapes because Raja Ampat offers much more than just water activities. Its stunning virgin landscapes, such as Wayag, Piaynemo, Rufus Island, The Passage, and Pasir Timbul, are a sight to behold.

Fortunately, one of the hidden gems in Raja Ampat is at Yeben Island, which is home to the Cove Eco Resort nestled in the heart of this breathtaking archipelago with its strategic location in the midst of these wonders, guests have easy access to the surrounding natural wonders, allowing them to explore and appreciate the beauty of Raja Ampat and we offer an unforgettable experience for travellers whether you are an avid diver, a nature enthusiast, or simply seeking tranquillity.

Cove Eco Resort - Private Island in Raja Ampat

FAQ - What about Cove Eco Resort ?

Cove Eco Resort Jetty, Yeben Island, Raja Ampat

What is Cove Eco Resort ?

Cove Eco Resort is a lovely 3-star eco-resort with a 4-star heart in Raja Ampat that is located on the Private Island of Yeben. We offer complete packages for family vacations, romantic getaways, and water sports activities. Cove Eco Resort facilities and services include first-class pick up service from Sorong, Waisai or other resorts and Homestay, a fully equipped dive centre, family activities and full service for VIPs and Guests.

Why do you call yourself an “Eco Resort” ?

Cove Eco Resort is a lovely 3-star eco-resort with a 4-star at heart in Raja Ampat. Our home is nestled in the breathtaking Raja Ampat region, specifically on the serene Private Island of Yeben island. We take pride in offering comprehensive packages that cater to various types of travelers. Whether you are planning a Diving experience, Snorkelling vacation, family vacation or romantic getaway, Cove Eco Resort has got you covered.

We provide pick-up services from Sorong, Waisai, or other locations to make your journey to our resort as convenient as possible. We have a fully equipped dive center to cater to divers of all levels whether you are a beginner or an experienced diver as we understand the importance of diving in Raja Ampat's. We also offer a range of family activities to keep everyone entertained. From beach games to nature walks, there is something for everyone to enjoy.

How many guest can stay at the same time ?

Our resort is based on 10 Cottages (six 42m2 Standard Cottages and four 84m2 Superior Cottages) with about 50 permanent staff on our island and 15 offsites (reservation, logistics and administration).

We can accommodate a maximum of 28 guests. Specifically, our 42m2 Standard Cottage can accommodate up to two adults and one child, while our 84m2 Superior Cottages can accommodate up to 5 persons.

Average occupancy is usually about 20 guests at the same time.

Do you have hot water and electricity ?

Unlike several resorts or Homestay, we offer 24h electricity in every cottage without any restriction (24h ceiling fan and Air Conditioning) as well as hot water. Our electrical generator is located far away behind the hill so the environment of the resort is completely silent (except for the sound of waves and birds…).

What kind of power outlet you have at the resort ?

Our power outlets at the resort are designed to be compatible with all countries, including the EU, UK, US, and AUS. This means that you can conveniently charge your devices without the need for any adapters during your stay. However, it's important to note that in Indonesia, the power outlets adhere to the EU standard.

Is a Laundry service available ?

Our laundry service is provided at no additional charge, allowing each person to have a maximum of 1 set per day.

Is there hairdryer available in each room ?

You can request an hairdryer from our team, and they will be more than happy to bring it to your room.

Is there a mosquito net available in each room ?

We have mosquito nets in all our standard and superior rooms for your utmost comfort and protection.

Do you provide soap, shampoo and towels ?

We offer complimentary liquid soap, shampoo, and towels for your convenience. In our efforts to minimize our environmental impact, we have a laundry basket in each toilet and we will only wash them if you place them in the bag, we will only wash them upon your request.

Do you have internet ?

We have a slow internet access (maximum 500kb/s download and 250kb/s) with Wifi available 24h (accessible from any area of the resort, including from your cottage).

The internet connection is using a slow 4G cell connection which is sometime unstable.

You can use it for light email, WhatsApp, Facebook messenger to contact your family or a basic web page for news. For more heavy web service the connection might not work, or at least require lots of patience ! Call with VoIP services (like WhatsApp call or Facetime call for example) will not work. Heavy websites such as banking services, flight booking, etc... will not work.

In other words, our internet connection is mainly for basic texting needed to keep in contact with your family and friends. Whatsapp is the best app that works with our internet connection.

What about Malaria in Raja Ampat ?

Raja Ampat has recently been declared a malaria area, and as a precautionary measure and it is recommended to consider taking malaria treatment. However, please note that there have been no reported cases of malaria in Raja Ampat and so far most of our guests have not taken any Malaria treatment as it has some inconvenient side effects, and we never heard about any Malaria cases in Raja Ampat.

It is always advisable to consult with your doctor or pharmacy regarding the best course of action so that they will be able to provide you with expert advice and recommend the most suitable preventive treatment option for you. If you do decide to take malaria treatment, we suggest opting for a preventive treatment that can be taken before your arrival in Raja Ampat so that you can minimize the chances of experiencing any side effects while you are on vacation and fully enjoy your time in this beautiful destination.

Do you have 4G signal ?

We currently have a weak 4G signal at some specific spots of the island (like jetty, Tanjung Beach…).

However, there are many limitation for foreigner phone:
- roaming from operator other than Telkomsel will not work (regardless if you purchased an indonesian plan for your vacation)
- Only Telkomsel SIM card will work
- Only Android phones with LTE data-only mode enabled are compatible with the island's network coverage
- Other type of phone, such as Apple iPhones, will not function at our location
- Telkomsel Sim Cards are exclusively available for purchase at Jakarta or Bali airports and need registration of your phone IMEI number
- Recent high-end smartphones such as iPhones or Samsung tend to have poor connections at our location. Cheaper OPPO smartphones perform better in terms of connectivity.

In other words, for the majority of foreigner guest, you will not be able to have 4G connection due to all listed limitation above.

Can we receive SMS ?

SMS will work at the island.

Do you have Air Conditioning ?

All our cottages are equipped with Air Conditioning and ceiling fan.

Do you have fresh water shower ?

Our shower water comes from two sources. The main source is rainwater and when there is not enough rain, our well is the second source of shower water. 

The freshwater from the well is always a bit salty but also depends on the rainfall. Water salinity at the resort range from TDS 500 to 2500 depending on the rainfall. (for info, potable water is up to TDS 1000 while seawater is around TDS 30000).

Our shower water comes from two sources. The main source is rainwater and when there is not enough rain, our well is the second source.

What is the source of the Drinking Water ?

We ensure the quality of our drinking and cooking water by sourcing it from a reputable distributor in Waisai. Our water is meticulously filtered and conveniently packaged in gallon sized bottles to our customers with a reliable and safe source and also for the cooking needs.

What type of food do you serve ?

Our meals are carefully planned, tailored to your preferences indicated in the guest information form. Whether you prefer Asian or International cuisine, our Chef will freshly cook a variety of dishes for you to choose from. Unlike buffet-style dining, our meals are served a la carte to ensure freshness and quality. We understand that some guests may have allergies or dietary restrictions, and we are committed to accommodating your preferences. Our team will make every effort to provide suitable meal options for you.

As an Eco Resort, we strive to minimize food waste. If you find the portion sizes too large or too small for your appetite, please don't hesitate to let us know. We believe in the importance of reducing food waste and will gladly adjust the portion sizes to your liking.

Do you serve fruit and desert ?

Due to our location, we make our own pastries on the island to ensure freshness. We serve fruit, however, fruit and vegetable are a bit tougher since the terrain is difficult to grow fruit and vegetables. Please accept our apologies if the availability of desired fruit and vegetables are not available due to the nature of the short life span.

Is drink water included ?

Potable water is included and a refillable Cove Bottle is provided for a refill as much as you need. In addition, Tea and Coffee are included as well.

Is alcohol and soft drink included ?

No, alcoholic and soft drinks are not included in the package price.

Can I bring my own alcohol to the resort ?

Yes, you can bring alcohol duty-free or from your country (Indonesian customs allow for a 1L bottle per person).

Do you offer baby sitting service ?

For children of 4 years and older, we can offer babysitting service at the cost of 30 EUR per half day.
For children younger than 4 years, we do not offer babysitting services and they have to be under parental supervision at all time.

FAQ - Cove Eco Resort - Private Island in Raja Ampat

FAQ - When is the best season to visit Raja Ampat ?

Dry and Wet days in Raja Ampat
Sunny andCloudy days in Raja Ampat
Windy days in Raja Ampat
fish season in Raja Ampat

Diagram are from Waisai, please note that Yeben Island is usualy more dry.

When is the ideal season to plan a visit ?

Unlike other regions of Indonesia, the climate in Raja Ampat is much more stable on average, with less distinct dry and rainy seasons. The weather is changing very rapidly and a blue sky occurs often after a short rain shower.

The Island of Yeben is usually drier than other locations on the main land such as Gam because the cloud is less attracted by our small island. It is very often that we can see heavy rain on the shore 10km from us while it is perfectly dry on our island.

Looking for no rain: June to September (dry months). The most rain is from January to February (wet months).
Looking for calm water: October to December and March to July (windy months are from January to February and from August to mid-September)
Looking for Manta: Every Month except September (unlike Manta Sandy, we can still meet Manta in the summer at our Manta Cove spot nearby our island)
Looking for the best underwater visibility: June to September (the visibility is the best when there is no rain)
Looking for the best deal: May to September are the low season months with great discounts with -15% on our fully inclusive rates.

What is the best season for underwater visibility ?

Visibility tends to reduce from October to April when plankton's high concentration brings Manta rays and other pelagic fish to the area. Summer months have greater visibility but with fewer pelagic fish.

What is the best season to avoid rain or wind ?

The climate in Papua has not a very clear dry or wet season. However, usually, the period around January tends to be wetter, while the period from mid-July to mid-September is usually windier.

As the weather is changing frequently, over a 7-night stay you will most likely experience both rain and blue sky.

For Diving, when is the best time to visit ?

In Raja Ampat, the weather is windy and dry from mid-July to mid-September. Aside from this yearly occurrence, diving in Raja Ampat is not particularly seasonal.

Visibility is the best during the dry season of July to September at the expense of more rough seas.

Weather diagram by METEOBLUE - Diving season diagram by PADI

For Excursions, when is best time to visit ?

Any month will be fine. However, around the windy season (mid-July to mid-September) and the wet season (January), the sea can be rougher which makes the boat trip a bit choppy.

If you're planning to visit Wayag (excursion at additional cost), avoid the windy months from January to February and August to September, as the boat trip there is quite long (approximately 2.5-3 hours each way). It's best to go when the sea is calmer for a more comfortable journey.

When to visit Raja Ampat on tight budget ?

The low season period from May to September offer -15% discount, contact us for the best deals or have a look at our promotion page.

Why May to September is considered as Low Season ?

Foreign visitors tend to travel to South East Asia more in the period of Autumn, Winter and Spring to get our nice tropical weather and enjoy Western countries in Summer.

In addition, all liveaboard quit Raja Ampat to relocate mostly to Komodo diving spot because the dry season starts there (it's difficult to navigate in Komodo from November to April).

Do you close at any period of the year ?

We are open all year. Because our resort is located on the north of Yeben Island, we are sheltered from the south and west winds that occur around July-August-September or January.

Is your resort is fine during windy month of August ?

Yes, our resort has been built on the north side of Yeben Island to be protected from south and West winds. Most of the time you will not notice much wind at the resort, with a calm sea in front of the resort.

FAQ - Cove Eco Resort - Private Island in Raja Ampat

Sorong Flight from/to Jakarta or Bali

flight to Sorong
Jakarta Flights
(Last Update on 1st June 2024)
International Flight Arrival in Jakarta recommended on the day before in the afternoon (for arrival in Sorong early morning):
Airline Flight No. From Jakarta
to Sorong
Arriving in
1 Garuda GA-682 Direct from Jakarta 00:10 am 06:15 am 4h 05m
2 Batik Air ID-7797 Direct from Jakarta 00:30 am 06:40 am 4h 10m
Departure flight recommended on Monday/Saturday (that allow to catch evening International Flights):
Airline Flight No. From Sorong
to Jakarta
Arriving in
1 Lion Air JT-945 One stop in Makassar 14:45 pm 18:55 pm 6h 10m
Departure flight with a night in Sorong (departure on the next day morning from Sorong):
Airline Flight No. From Sorong
to Jakarta
Arriving in
1 Garuda GA-683 Direct 08:15 am 10:10 am 5h 55m
2 Batik Air ID-7780 Direct 10:45 pm 12:35 pm 5h 50m
Bali Flights
(Last Update on 1st June 2024)
Arrival flight recommended on Monday/Saturday:
Airline Flight No. From Bali
to Sorong
Arriving in
1 Garuda GA-423 + GA-682 One Stop of 1h 10min in Jakarta 22:00 pm 06:15 am +1d 7h 15m
Departure flight recommended on Monday/Saturday:
Airline Flight No. From Sorong
to Bali
Arriving in
1 Lion air JT-945 + JT 3741 One stop of 50min in Makassar 14:45 pm 18:10 pm 4h 25m

If you would like to look at full schedule of all airlines going to Sorong, please check out for full information. Flights listed above are for information only based on 31st December 2019 update.

How to reach Raja Ampat ?

The nearest airport to Raja Ampat is located in Sorong. Unlike the olden days, the growth of tourism has made travelling to Raja Ampat more accessible and more affordable. Air Carriers such as Garuda, Sriwijaya, Lion Air, and Express Air offer transportation to Sorong from various destinations.

What timing should I consider for my flights ?

For your arrival (with a transfer via the 09:00 Ferry to Waisai), we recommend booking a flight that arrives in Sorong no later than 8:00 AM. This will allow you enough time to catch the ferry to Waisai, the capital city of Raja Ampat. Upon arrival at the airport (or pickup at your hotel), our team will transfer you to the Ferry terminal. The ferry is scheduled to arrive at Waisai around 11:00 AM. From there, our boat will transport you to our island, which will take approximately 1.5 hours. You can expect to reach our island between 13:30 and 14:30. Please note that there may be delays if the ferry departure is running late or if there are changes in weather conditions.

For your return (with a transfer via the 09:00 AM Ferry to Waisai), you will need to leave the island at approximately 6:30 AM to catch the ferry in Waisai at 9:00 AM which departs for Sorong. You can expect to arrive in Sorong around 11:30 AM. To ensure a smooth journey, please book a flight to Jakarta or Makassar that departs at 1:30 PM or later. These flights offer connections to Jakarta, Bali, and other cities. If your flight is scheduled earlier than 1:30 PM, you will have to stay overnight in Sorong.

How much cost the flight to reach Sorong ?

The fare for a return air ticket from Jakarta or Bali to Sorong can vary between 3.5 million IDR to 6 million IDR, which is equivalent to approximately 200 EUR to 600 EUR.

However please note that airlines often offer lower fares for those who book their tickets well in advance. Please try to book your tickets at least a few months before your travel date to secure the best prices.

What are the baggage limits ?

Many international carriers provide baggage allowances for Scuba equipment, however domestic airlines are limited. At present, the baggage allowance for Lion and Sriwijaya is 20 Kg per person. The allowance for Wings Air and several smaller companies is 15kg. Any excess baggage must be paid for at the airport. Rates for excess baggage are subject to change without notice and vary depending on the airline, aircraft type and location.

Can I bring Spray or Aerosol ? 

No, do not bring aerosol or spray in your checked baggage.
Based on our experience, we had similar cases where luggage were delayed due to aerosol or spray in checked  luggages.

Customs and airport security tends to take their time checking each spray or aerosol size in checked luggage (officialy max 100ml), which may result in your baggage being delayed and impact the schedule to catch the Ferry.

An additional island transfer will cost 600 EUR in the event of delayed luggage, so we recommend not to bring any aerosol or spray in your checked luggage.

Can I bring Liquid ? 

The maximum capacity of containers liquid is 100 ml in cabin luggage.

For Cabin luggage, they shall be placed together with liquid, aerosol, spray in one transparent plastic bag sealed (1 per person), measuring 30x40cm maximum.

For checked luggage there is no restriction on the size of liquid container. However, customs and airport security tends to take their time checking each liquid container size in checked baggage, which may result in your baggage being delayed and impact the schedule to catch the Ferry.

Hence we strongly suggest to not bring liquid bigger than 1L in your checked luggage.

Which way do you recommend to find Domestic flight ?

For domestic flights in Indonesia, we recommend using specialized in South East Asia and list all domestic airlines in Indonesia to find the right flight but we recommend booking at the specific local airline website only (Garuda, Baik Air, Lion Air, Sriwijaya, Nam…) as we had bad feedback from guests on the flight changes via traveloka. International flight booking websites usually only list the flight operated by Garuda, but not the other local airline such as Batik Air, Lion Air, Sriwijaya, Nam, etc…

Due to bad feedback from our guests (delayed arrival, last-minute change or cancellation), we STRONGLY recommend to not using AirAsia airline for the flight from/to Sorong.

Do I need a Visa to travel to Indonesia ?

That depends on your Nationality. Most of the western nationalities have a “Free Tourist Visa” upon arrival valid for 30 days. Some others nationalities require a Visa to travel to Indonesia. Please check the Indonesian Embassy in your country to see if you qualify for a “Free Tourist Visa”.

To access the list of citizenship eligible for Visa on arrival, please click on the following link:

The Visa on Arrival process in Indonesia is simple. Upon arrival from your international flight, you will find a dedicated desk where you can purchase the Visa on Arrival for a fee of 500,000 IDR (or equivalent in EUR or USD) per person. The visa will be sticked to your passport, then you can proceed to the next immigration counter, where your passport will be stamped to enter into Indonesia.

Flight transfer tips in Jakarta

Be careful with the transfer between the International and Domestic terminals. It takes about 20min for a bus or taxi between terminals, but the time to find a taxi or a bus can take up to 30min. If you take a taxi, choose only Silverbird (black Mercedes) which are safe and cost about 100,000 IDR for terminal transfer (other types of taxi are STRONGLY not advised due to frequent overcharge or scam). For transfers between Domestic and International flights that are not from the same airline company, we advise a minimum 4h and a reasonable is 6h to cope with any delay or other issues.

Flight transfer tips in Makassar

During transfer in Makassar, you will be required to exit the plane, collect a boarding ticket at the transfer desk, and return to the gate to return to the next (or same) plane. Be careful of the gate number as it is very often that the gate number displayed on the screen does not match the boarding pass, and sometimes both of them do not match with the actual gate. So please always ask the staff to reconfirm the gate number and time.

What happen in case of delayed flight arrival in Sorong ?

In case of a delayed flight that prevents you to catch our regular transfer, another dedicated boat would have to be arranged. It would cost 300 EUR per person >12 years (minimum 2) for an additional boat at a different time and it would probably require staying a night in Sorong for a cost of about 85 EUR per night.

Any other travel tip ?

Please ensure that your passport validity is a minimum of 6 months from your last day outside of your home country. Most airlines will not let you fly with a passport that expires in less than 6 months from the return date of your vacation.

FAQ - Cove Eco Resort - Private Island in Raja Ampat

Transfer to Yeben Island

fery transfer from Waisai
Transfer Timing - Sorong to Yeben Island
Transfer Itinerary Departure time Arrival Time
at Waisai
Departure Time
from Waisai
Arrival Time Flight Schedule
via Waisai Sorong to Yeben island
Yeben to Sorong
09:00 am from Sorong
06:30 am from Yeben
11:00 am
08:00 am
12:00 am
09:00 am
13:30pm at Yeben
11:00am at Sorong
arrival at Sorong not later than 08:00 am
flight not earlier than 13:30pm
Which days I should arrive in Sorong to reach Yeben Island ?

Our little paradise is unique due to the remote location that preserves it from mass tourism. To reach it, we have dedicated transport included in all our packages on specific days.

Arrival/Departure are scheduled on specific days (usually on Monday or Saturday). Some other days can be available as well, see the calendar for the actual status.

For each type of cottage (42m2 Standard and 84m2 Superior), you can see the exact availability and possible arrival/departure dates as well (on the website calendar, "A" is for possible arrival day, "D" is for possible departure day).

The transport is fully inclusive from the airport or Hotel until the Island of Yeben via Waisai using the scheduled ferry.

Can we arrive an other day than Monday / Saturday ?

On case by case basis, we can sometime add extra transfer at additional cost of 300 EUR / person each way (via Waisai ferry). Please contact us to check extra transfer possibility (at additional cost).

All additional transfers from Sorong are arranged the same way as regular free days (always via Waisai ferry, no direct transfer).

Does your transfer are direct from Sorong to Yeben Island ?

All our transfer are via Waisai using the public ferry, and then our transfer boat will pick you up in Waisai and brings you to our little paradise. Due to our very remote location, we do not offer direct transfer from Sorong to our island as the cost would be very high and the duration saved is not much.

Can we reach Yeben Island from other location than Sorong ?

Yes, on Monday or Saturday, it is possible to arrange your transfer from another resort or Homestay around Dampier Strait on our way between Waisai and Yeben (such as Waisai Pier, Biodiversity Resort, Papua Explorer or Papua Diving and Sorido Bay resort) at no surcharge.

For other days or other locations not on our way, a dedicated transfer can be arranged as well with a specific surcharge. Please contact us for the details.

How the transfer from from/to Yeben island is organized ?

We will pickup you up at your preferred location (Sorong Airport, Sorong Hotel or another location agreed upon during the reservation). Our friendly staff will guide you all the way, take your baggage, and ticket as required and your Marine Park entry fee will be already prepared by our team as agreed during the reservation.

What is the timing for transfer via Waisai ?

For transfer via Waisai, you shall be in Sorong not later than 08:00 am because the Waisai Ferry departs at 09:00 am (it takes up to 30min to get your baggage and 15min to reach the ferry from the airport).

What about the return from Yeben to Sorong ?

On the departure day, you will leave the island early morning around 06:30 am and will reach Sorong around 11:00 am depending on your exact schedule. You shall take a flight not earlier than 13:30 pm to have sufficient margin in case of delay due to weather or ferry schedule.

What else to know about the transfer ?

Please bring warm clothing for the ferry transfer, they tend to put the AC very strong and it can be very cold during the trip.

Location of the pickup/drop off

Cost in addition to the all-inclusive accommodation package.
Price per person >12 years (min. 2 persons)

Location Transfer Monday or SaturdayTransfer on other weekdays
(if available)
Airport, Hotel, Pier
via Waisai Ferry in VIP seat
free 300 EUR
Waisai area:
Waisai pier, Waivo, Hamueco,
Meridian, Biodiversity, Doberai,
free 300 EUR
Gam area:
Papua Explorer, Sawingrai,
Dorayen village, Beser Bay
free 300 EUR
Kri and Mansuar North area:
Sorido, Kri Eco, Yenkoranu,
Raja Dive Lodge
free 300 EUR
Mansuar South area:
Sauwandarek, Agusta
125 EUR 300 EUR
Arborek Jetty
free 300 EUR
Pef island: free 300 EUR
Wai island: 250 EUR 450 EUR
Batanta area:
Papua Paradise
300 EUR 500 EUR

Cove Eco Resort - Private Island in Raja Ampat

FAQ - What to bring ?

Cove Eco Resort from above
What I should bring ?

- IDR 1,100,000 IDR or 75 EUR for diver - in cash to pay the Raja Ampat Marine Park Entry Fee
- IDR 500,000 IDR or 50 EUR/USD per person to pay the visa on arrival at the airport
- Valid Passport that is not expiring within the next 6 months until return to your home country

- A raincoat or poncho if desired
- A light sweater – the evenings and early morning boat excursions can be chilly
- A light pant if you want to be protected from bugs during sunset/sunrise hours.
- All personal toiletries that you will need for the duration of your stay (there are no shops on the island)
- Wherever possible, biodegradable soap and shampoo - please assist us in minimizing our impact on the pristine local environment. We offer complimentary natural soap for all guests.
- Coral-friendly sunscreen, sunglasses & hat.
- Mosquito repellent (DEET or PICARIDIN are recommended).
- Sturdy (water/mud proof) shoes if you wish to do any jungle hikes or bird-watching excursions around the islands; some of the stunning forest trails pass through shallow streams and muddy patches
- Snorkeling legging for snorkeler (we only provide rash guard for upper body).
- A small waterproof bag – these are excellent safety precautions if you wish to take cameras or extra clothing or any other non-waterproof items about with you on the boats.
- Binoculars to view bird life both around the resort and on excursions.
- First Aid kit (basic medical supplies such as band-aids, pain relievers...) and any necessary prescribed medication
- It is recommended to have some Rupiah (IDR) with you during your stay in Indonesia as other currency are usualy not accepted at other location.
- set of chargers and power bank for your electronic devices

For Diver
- Dive Certificate and Logbook.
- Proof of dive insurance covering emergency evacuation.
- Due to our remote location, all diving guests are required to present their dive insurance coverage.
- We recommend “Divers Alert Network”.
- All dive gear: mask, fins, regulator, BCD, wetsuit, dive computer (mandatory). An underwater flashlight is also recommended. Please advise us in advance if you wish to rent any equipment during your stay.
- Medical 

What I Should not bring with me ?

- Excessive plastic packaging – please pack items carefully and remove excess packaging to minimize any rubbish you bring to the island (all garbage is sorted into our compost, recycled, where possible, in Sorong, or disposed of in our incinerator).
- Dive gloves – these are not permitted at Cove Eco Resort.
- Non-rechargeable batteries – it is almost impossible to recycle batteries in Indonesia; whenever possible, please choose re-chargeable.
- Soap, shampoo and other personal items that contain excessive perfumes or are “antibacterial.” All these products contain harmful agents that will have adverse effects on our little island paradise.
- Fishing equipment – there is no fishing at Cove Eco Resort as we are in a protected non-fishing zone.
- Aerosol or Spray in checked baggage are strongly not recommended as it tends to delay luggage verified by custom and airport security in Indonesia, leading to delayed arrival for ferry (and additional cost to arrange additional island transfer).

Do I have to bring cash for tips ?

- No you do not have to bring cash for tips.
- Tips are not required, we are making sure that you are having the best time with us and it does not require any tips.
- If you feel you would like to give some gratuity, our team will accept anything that comes from the heart. Either in the common tip box if you would like everyone to share it, or you can offer it directly to the person of your choice.
- 200K-1.5M IDR for the overall team is considered really great if you wish to offer tips, but again, it is not required at all.

Cove Eco Resort - Private Island in Raja Ampat

FAQ - Diving

Scuba Diver in Raja Ampat reef
When shall I come for the best diving experience ?

In Raja Ampat, the weather is windy and dry from mid-July to mid-September. Aside from this yearly occurrence, diving in Raja Ampat is not particularly seasonal.

Visibility is the best during the dry season of July to September at the expense of more rough seas.

For divers, once in the water, the waves do not matter so the period of May to September is actually a great one to have the best visibility and not any liveaboard around (they move to the Komodo area in summer).

Looking for no rain: June to September (dry months). The most rain is from January to February (wet months).
Looking for calm water: October to December and March to July (windy months are from January to February and from August to mid-September)
Looking for Manta: Every Month except September (unlike Manta Sandy, we can still meet Manta in the summer at our Manta Cove spot nearby our island)
Looking for the best underwater visibility: June to September (the visibility is the best when there is no rain)
Looking for the best deal: May to September are the low season months with great discounts with -15% on our fully inclusive rates.

Will I meet Manta during my stay ?

We are lucky to be very close to one of the most preserved Manta cleaning station named "Manta Cove”, about 15min from the resort. There are Manta there all the year except in September and January (in January we go to Manta Sandy, but in September they are only at Wayag).

Since Manta Cove is far from the busy Waisai and Dampier strait, it is usually our exclusive spot without another diver as it is too far to reach for others. You will not have to queue for some time with many other boats around like it is in the overcrowded Manta Sandy, the true luxury of an exclusive Manta Cleaning station at your doorstep!

We can’t guarantee 100% their presence during your stay as it is up to mother nature, but you will have a very high chance to see them (except in September) as they are often there in the morning.

When shall I come to see Manta ?

Manta are showing as per this schedule:
"Manta Cove” (15min from the resort): any months except September and January
"Manta Sandy” (45min from the resort): October to April

So you have high chance to meet Manta, except in September (at Wayag in September).

Do you have distance restriction for diving ?

Our regular itinerary of 35+ spots includes most of the interesting locations in the range of 10 Nautical Miles (18.5km). Each Wednesday we bring our diver to Melissa's garden at no surcharge and depending on your package we will bring you at least several times to spots within 15 nautical miles (28km) to locations such as Arborek, Manta Sandy, etc... For locations above 20 nautical miles, (37km) such as Cap Kri, Blue Magic, Sardine, Friwen, etc... dedicated trip can be arranged with a surcharge or part of an excursion.

Do you repeat the spots for diving ?

Our regular itinerary includes about 35+ unique spots. We can return you to any specific spot if you like.

Is it possible to dive during Excursion ?

For all excursions you can dive as usual, except for Wayag that do not include diving as the schedule is too tight (there is 2.5h each way from/to Wayag).

Do you dive every day ?

Yes, we dive everyday, including Saturday and Sunday.

How many diver per guide ?

The maximum is 4 divers per guide. Often less, depending on the specificity of each group.

How are grouped the guest on the boat ?

Guests are grouped depending on their interest, the number of guests at the resort, the weather condition, tidal conditions, diver experience. The diver and snorkeler can be on the same boat if the spot is appropriate for both (each with dedicated guides).

Can I do night dive ?

Yes, we offer night dives around the resort jetty. Please note that for safety reasons (we are far from medical facilities) and there is more danger with the boat at night with reduced visibility, we do not perform night dives elsewhere than at the resort jetty.

The price of night dive is the same as day dive and the prepaid dive package day dive can be changed for night dive as well at no extra cost (except flashlight rental if you don't have any).

Is it possible to dive privately ?

If you don’t want to share with another guest, a private guide is possible at an additional 25 EUR / spot and a private boat is also possible at an additional 75 EUR / spot.

What is the usual diving time ?

Our dives are based on a maximum of 60 minutes or 50 bar limit, whichever is reached first.

What is the usual diving depth ?

The best part of Raja Ampat's reefs is around 5 to 15 meters.

The maximum depth is 18 meters for Open Water Diver and 30 meters for Advanced Open Water. So, if you are only certified to the OWD level, you will still be able to enjoy it to its best.

Do you offer 15L Tank ?

We can arrange 15L tank at the additional cost of 5 EUR per dive.

Do you offer NITROX ?

NITROX is planned to be available starting on 1st October 2023.

What is the water temperature ?

The water is at 28 deg C +/- 1 degC all year. We recommend a 2mm or 3mm wetsuit.

Is your tank DIN or INT ?

Our tanks are compatible with both INT and DIN standards.

What is your tank capacity ?

Our tank are 12 liter. Larger tank of 15L are possible at an additional cost of 5 EUR per dive.

What is the condition of your rental gear ?

Our rental gear is recent and well-maintained for the highest level of safety.

Can I do decompression diving ?

No. Because Raja Ampat is a remote location we dive very conservatively. We do not allow decompression diving, and the maximum depth is 30 metres. We promote safe diving practices and therefore do not solo diving.

Can I dive solo ?

We promote safe diving practices and therefore do not solo diving.

Can I dive without dive computer ?

No, a dive computer is mandatory for diving with us due to the remote location and limited access to emergency services. It ensures divers' safety, aids in dive planning, helps manage nitrogen levels, and provides valuable data for future reference.

If you do not have Dive Computer, you can rent it at our Dive center.

Can I dive if I am not certified ?

No, we strictly require a minimum Open Water Diver license for diving with us in Raja Ampat to prioritize the safety of our customers and minimize the risk of accidents as this is a basic safety rule that is especially important in Raja Ampat. In additiona, by law, we are not authorized to dive in Raja Ampat with non-certified divers.

We highly recommend that non-certified divers consider enrolling in a reputable diving course prior to joining us. Not only does this prioritize their safety, but it also greatly enhances their overall diving experience. Our team is more than willing to assist non-certified divers in finding suitable diving courses or certification programs so that they can obtain their certification and pass the OWD course. Discovery dives are possible with our PADI Instructor for 100 EUR per dive (including equipment), however, they will be very limited in depth and location.

Can I dive without insurrance ?

No, due to the extremely remote location of Raja Ampat, dive insurance is mandatory as the cost can escalate very quickly if an evacuation is required. We recommend you subscribe your own and if you don't have any yet we can subscribe you to DAN short-term insurance (covering diving in Indonesia only) at 10 EUR for 1 day, 20 EUR for 2 days, 30 EUR for 5 days, 40 EUR for 10 days, 50 EUR for 30 days.

What is the difference between “Pre-Paid Dive Package” and Dive “A la carte"

Pre-Paid Dive package allows you to get lower dive costs by committing an amount of dive every day during your stay. It can be 2 dives per day (2-morning dives), 3 dives per day (2-morning dives and 1-afternoon dive) or 4 dives per day (3-day dives and 1-night dive). We are flexible if some dives are preponed or postponed, as long as the overall amount remains the same during your stay.

But if you intend to dive less than 2 dives per day on average during your stay, it is possible to choose any other amount of dive with “A La Carte” pricing. You can also decide later at the island “A La Carte” dives.

You can check our Diving Calculator to see our options and pricing:
Activities Calculator

I have included diving in my reservation but can I dive more than initialy included ?

Yes, you can dive more than what is already included in your reservation.

The cost of additional dives is based on the total number of dives you will have (per diver):
if the total is 1-9 dives: 50 EUR per additional dive
if the total is 10-19 dives: 45 EUR per additional dive
if the total is 20-29 dives: 40 EUR per additional dive
if the total is 30 dives or more: 35 EUR per additional dive

You can check our Diving Calculator to see our options and pricing:
Activities Calculator

If I have purchased a Pre-Paid Dive Package but do not use all dives included, will I be refunded ?

For pre-paid dive package, if you have not used all dives, we will recalculate based on “A la carte” pricing and refund if the amount paid is more than the number of dives “A la carte”.

For example, for a 7N8D pre-paid dive package 2 dives / day (total 12 dives) that cost 440 EUR:
- if you had taken only 6 dives (instead of 12 dives), the “A la carte” price is 330 EUR, so we will refund you 110 EUR
- if you had taken only 10 dives (instead of 12 dives), the “A la carte” price is 545 EUR, so a refund does not apply.

You can check our Diving Calculator to see our options and pricing:
Activities Calculator

If I have purchased a Pre-Paid Dive Package but I decide to cancel it at the island, will I be refunded ?

100% of cancelled activity can be used at the resort (other activities, extra food and beverage), or 50% of the amount will be refunded.

If I have purchased equipment rental, but do not use all days rented, will I be refunded ?

For equipment rental, if you have not used all days rented we will adjust the price as per the number of days rented. 100% of the difference can be used at the resort (other activities, food and beverage), or 50% of the amount will be refunded.

FAQ - Cove Eco Resort - Private Island in Raja Ampat

FAQ - Snorkeling, Beach, Excursion and Yeben Island

snorkeling at Yeben Kecil
Does the Island can be fully accessed by walk ?

The east side of Yeben where the resort is located is accessible by walk. We have completed a path that allows us to walk from the resort to the jungle and beach on the east side. The west side is not accessible. We plan to add some other paths all over the island in the future but it takes time as Yeben island is about 50 hectares of virgin vegetation.

Is there any nice beach accessible from the resort ?

The beach in front of the resort is not great for swimming as there is lots of coral debris and muddy sand, but we have Tanjung Beach on the east side accessible via a dedicated path through the jungle and hill. It takes about 10min by walk to reach it. Tanjung Beach is a really amazing place with a lovely untouched landscape and white sand.

Can child have beach activities ?

For playing in the sand, the resort is great. For playing with children in the water, the best is to go to Tanjung Beach on the east side accessible via a dedicated path through the jungle and hill.

Can I snorkel from the resort ?

Snorkelling from the resort is possible for a good swimmer. The best spots are around the jetty or about 7-10min on the east or to the west from the resort. There are also many schools of fish all around the jetty that are fascinating. From Tanjung Beach (10 minutes on a walk you can as well enjoy beautiful spots with nice corals. If you intend to visit us for snorkelling only, all our packages include two snorkelling excursions each day to many areas, such as the beautiful Yeben shallow, Manta Cove or other locations around Yeben. You can also join divers to explore other areas because most of the diving spots are also suitable for snorkelling.

Can I snorkel or swim from the beach ?

Snorkelling in Raja Ampat is mainly from a jetty or boat. Unlike areas like Maldives or Thailand, most reefs do not have sandy bottoms and instead with many corals (which make the place so famous). In very shallow water (less than a meter deep), it can be dangerous to sharpen corals and have a high risk of damaging them with fins.

What is the purpose of Unlimited Snorkeling Excursion ?

For the snorkeler passionate, this allows you to be full of activities during your stay without worrying about any surcharge for boat, guide, equipment or extra kayak rental. All are included in many different locations. In addition. It is also great for a couple with one diver and one non-diver so that the non-diver can join together all spots.

Is there any restriction on the Unlimited Snorkeling Excursion ?

The restriction is on the schedule and itinerary. Different spots are scheduled by the resort each day at 08:00 am and 14:00 pm. Snorkelers and Diver can be on the same boat depending on the location and number of guests at the resort.

Do we return to Yeben when booked a tour or excursion ?

All our excursions and tour are based on returning to Cove Eco Resort at the end of the day.

Depending on the spot visited (close or far) you will return to the resort for lunch, or get a picnic lunch at a nearby beach for areas that are more distant.

Why the excursion price are expensive ?

The price of the excursion is based on gas, boat charge, crew, park entrance, donation and hiring of local guides and government taxes. Sorong's costs are higher than other regions of Indonesia and Yeben island is extremely remote. For example, the gas has to be shipped 100km from Sorong prior to being used which multiplies all costs. Many areas in the additional excursion have extra entrance fees that are already included in the price of the excursion.

To get the most competitive price the best is to join with other guests in order to get a degressive price.

Can I snorkel or Dive during the Excursions ?

For all excursions, you can dive and snorkel as usual, except for Wayag, which does not include diving as the schedule is too tight (there is 2.5-3h each way from/to Wayag).

If I book an excursion but other guest join the same, will I be refunded ?

Our excursion prices are based on the number of guests that join together.
If additional guests join the same, we will adjust your cost as per our price list and refund you 100% of the difference.

You can check our Excursion Calculator to see our options and pricing:
Activities Calculator

If I book an excursion but at the island I change my mind and cancel it, will I be refunded ?

If you change your mind and decide to cancel excursions that have been booked in advance, 100% of the cancelled excursion cost can be used at the resort (other activities, extra food and beverage), or 50% of the amount will be refunded.

If I book an excursion but at the island the weather condition prevent to do it, will I be refunded ?

If unexpected weather conditions prevent to do any extra excursion with full safety, the related cost will be refunded 100%.

FAQ - Cove Eco Resort - Private Island in Raja Ampat

FAQ - Reservation and Payment

reservation 2048-web10%25
How can I confirm my reservation ?

To confirm your reservation, we require the payment of 30% of the full invoice within a week of the invoice issuance. The 70% balance will have to be paid 60 days prior to arrival.

In the event that your arrival is in less than 60 days, we request full payment.

Do you need any specific information to make the reservation ?

Yes, upon the reservation we will send you a link to fill out an online form to collect your information (flights, passport, meal preferences, allergies, dive history, dive certification no, dive insurance, etc...)

How long in advance I should book my vacation to Cove Eco Resort

For the low season (May to September we recommend you book at least 3 months in advance. For the high season October to May, we recommend you to book at least 6 months in advance. For the peak periods (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, Chinese New Year, Easter...) you should make your reservation 12 months in advance as we are small, we are getting full relatively quickly.

Can I pay in different currency ?

Yes, depending of your bank country we can accept various currencies such as EUR, USD, IDR, GBP, AUD based on the actual mid-market rate. For currency other than EUR or IDR, we apply a fee of 1% to cover the exchange rate, transfer and conversion fees.

Can I pay by card ?

Yes, we accept payment by card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express) in USD during reservation with a fee of 4%.

At the resort, we can accept payment by card (Visa, Mastercard only) in IDR with a fee of 4%. You shall contact your bank prior to arrival in Indonesia for authorization as some banks could reject the payment if not pre-approved.

However, we recommend payment by bank transfer in EUR or USD to avoid 4% credit card fees.

What is your cancellation policy ?

Please refer to our Terms and Condition.

All cancellations must be received in writing to

Cancellation for booking to another period (Voucher valid for 36 months, to the same person):
For cancellation in 0-7 days from arrival, a Voucher of 50% of the amount paid will be offered
For cancellation within 8-30 days from arrival, a Voucher of 75% of the amount paid will be offered
For cancellation in more than 30 days from arrival, a Voucher of 100% of the amount paid will be offered

Definitive cancellation (refund):
For cancellation within 0-30 days from arrival, no refund will be offered
For cancellation within 31-60 days from arrival, a refund of 50% of the total invoice amount will be offered
For cancellation in more than 60 days from arrival, a refund of 70% of the total invoice amount will be offered

30% deposit is not refundable (the maximum refund is 70% of the total invoice amount).
Marine Park Entry Fee and dive insurance are not refundable and are excluded from any refund.

If booked via a travel agent, refunds are to be claimed via your agent.
Any refunds outside of our terms will be a claim on your Insurance company.


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